Using those Pesky Red Lights



By Peggy Sealfon


The average person spends about six months of their lifetime stopped at traffic lights. With red lights ranging from 1-3 minutes in duration, I find them an annoying waste of time. So I've found a way to use the time more effectively by focusing on personal fitness. Sounds crazy but it works. I'm introducing a program that I call "Drivercize" a fitness routine you can do safely in a minute or two while sitting in the driver's seat, stopped at a red light.

Drivercize combines Interval training and Isometric exercises. Interval training is simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity. Isometric exercises are contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles which can help maintain muscle strength and may lower blood pressure (so it's calming you down while you're waiting for the green light).  Since sitting has been identified as the new smoking in terms of the detrimental impact it has on our health, this series of movements helps improve blood flow and tones muscles. Plus, instead of being irritated you're uplifted and may actually be happy to be stopped for the next quick workout!

Here's my basic routine:

Red Light #1:  27- 30 Butt Squeezes. Breathe in while squeezing the butt cheeks really hard (you'll feel yourself rising up in the seat). Hold for a count of 5. Then breathe out and release.  For very long lights, I achieve almost 35 squeezes.  Best to do with the brake on so that both feet can be flat on the floor.

Red Light #2:  12-15 Kegel exercises. Breathing steadily in and out, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for five seconds, and then relax for five seconds. Try it four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. While known to be beneficial for women, Kegel exercises are also good for men  to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and bowel and affect sexual function.  Again, best to do these with the brake on and both feet planted on the floor.

Red Light #3:  12-15 Hand/Wrist Stretches. Breathing steadily in and out, squeeze both hands into fists for a count of 5 and then release by extending and stretching all your fingers as wide apart as you can. Next rotate your wrists clockwise and then counterclockwise.  This is excellent to move circulation into your extremities and keep your fingers and wrists naturally lubricated.  Most people grip a steering wheel too firmly, plus do way too much texting and typing which can cause blockages that lead to arthritis.

Red Light #4: 4-6 Neck Stretches. Using slow deliberate movements, gently press your right ear towards your right shoulder.  Breathe a few deep, slow breaths and return to center.  Gently press your left ear towards your left shoulder.  Breathe a few deep, slow breaths and return to center.  Let your head fall forward, hanging like a heavy weight (which it is!) and press your chin (without force) towards your chest.  Breathe a few deep, slow breaths and return to center. Many people hold a lot of tension in the neck region, so this exercise is a great stress reducer.

Red Light #5:  10-12 Hand Clasp Isometric for the Chest. This  focuses on the strength and tone of the pectorals both upper and lower. Bring your palms together centered in front of your heart,  fingers pointing forward. Press your palms together tightly, making your chest as hard as possible. Hold for a count of 5 and release.  You can experiment with holding your palms at different distances from your body.

At the end of your drive when you arrive at your destination, you will have accomplished a nice workout using no extra time.  If you've hit 5 red lights, you've had about a 10-15 minute workout!   Obviously if you get stuck at more than 5 red lights, rejoice that you're getting even a longer workout time and just repeat any of the exercises.



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